After all the bright colours popping on our nails in the summer, it's time to relax a bit more and darken down the colours as we watch the leaves tumble off the trees ready for our feet to crunch. I've picked out some of my favourite colours for fall that you'll want to splash on your fingers straight away.
Barry M- Chilli
This is a deep red shade with some brown tint in it. I think this is great because it's the colour that some of the leaves are turning.
OPI- Viking in a Vinter Vonderland
I love the names of all the OPI colours because their so unique and this is one of my favourites. This is a dark purple shade that would look amazing paired with black clothing.
Barry M- Mustard
As shown by the name this is a mustard colour nail polish that could be worn with cable-nit jumpers and would scream AUTUMN!!
OPI- I Don't Give a Rotterdam
I think this colour is more on the Wintery side for it suits quite a simple look like white and reminds me of snow. It has a beautiful shimmer effect to it, making you look like a glistening angel.